Dummy Writeup | Wizard-Labs

Jan 20, 2019 • ctf,boot2root,wizardlabs

Dummy Writeup | Wizard-Labs


i. Port Scan


ii. Enumeration

First, we can start off by listing the SMB shares to see if there is anything interesting:


Seems like guests are not allowed to view shares…

Moving onto the next port… 8000.

Nmap’s service detection shows that the service is Icecast streaming media server.

To confirm that the service is indeed Icecast, we can visit port 8000 in the browser:


If you google the error, you will see Icecast help forums pop up.


With the information in mind, we can use searchsploit to see if there are any Icecast exploits.


As we do not know the version number, we will have to guess. Though looking at the exploits, the only ones that look interesting are the remote code execution.

We can use Metasploit to gain command execution:

Module: https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/windows/http/icecast_header


Checking to see which user Icecast was running under… it was Administrator.


The attack on this box can have been prevented in two ways:

a. Make sure to routinely patch, and keep software updated
b. Do not run software under a high privileged account, make a separate service account if needed.

iii. Conclusion

Dummy is a good beginner box. It shows the importance of fingerprinting software, and knowing which exploits to use.

If you would like to try Dummy & other OSCP-like boxes, try it on Wizard-Labs: http://labs.wizard-security.net/

Thank you for reading.


[0]: http://labs.wizard-security.net/